Ceylon Tobacco Company - Regulation


The tobacco industry in Sri Lanka is one of the most heavily regulated in the world.

CTC operates under a stringent regulatory environment, governed primarily by the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol (NATA) Act No. 27 of 2006 and other laws and regulations.

Given the health risks associated with the use of tobacco products, we whole-heartedly support the need for balanced regulation. We support effective, evidence-based regulation applied across all tobacco categories evenly that can help reduce the impact of tobacco consumption on public health, while balancing the freedom of choice of informed adult consumers and preserving the right of the legally-established tobacco industry to operate and compete fairly in the market.

Like any legal industry, we believe we have a role to play in the regulatory process. Tobacco regulation should be enacted through good legislative practices that include consulting with people who are part of the regulated industry, as in any other regulated business activity.  We seek to maintain constructive dialogue with regulatory authorities so that subjects relating to the manufacture, sale and consumption of tobacco products are regulated sensibly.